Saturday, August 11, 2012

Support Junior


Junior is a seventeen-year-old young man with a heart of gold. Most who have had the privilege of meeting him, know within a few minutes that God has placed a special calling on his life. His heart for the Lord inspires both his peers and the spiritually mature. Many of the kids nicknamed him "Pastor Junior" because of his dedication and diligence to studying and preaching God's Word.

Although it is difficult to imagine, Junior used to beg on the streets of Delmas Blvd. in Port-au-Prince with many other young kids. He was ushered from the streets into living in the MDL Boys' Home through a friend’s street ministry. Shortly after coming into the safely of MDL, his mother was murdered in Cite Soleil and then his father later passed away in the countryside. Today, Junior, this once timid child, boldly preaches the Gospel, having put his faith and hope in Christ more than four years ago. He often teaches at devotionals and even partnered with other children from MDL two summers ago in doing an evangelistic outreach for their extended family members and community in the village where they grew up.

Junior has long expressed his hope of becoming an evangelist. Ranch Church in SantaYnez, California has expressed a desire to come alongside Junior’s calling and financially support him at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, California. Needing an American high-school equivalent education to apply, Junior is currently enrolled in an American school in Haiti called Morning Star Christian Academy. We are praying that more people would come alongside to support his tuition fees until he finishes in 2014. To help Junior to continue to prepare for the work God is calling him to do we need to raise $475.00 a month for tuition and lunch money. Please prayerfully consider whether you would like to become involved in helping Junior by committing to financially sponsor him for half a month's tuition, one month, or multiple months of school. 

As interns, working with him for the past three months has been truly a blessing. He is one of the most respectful kids and we really see so many attributes in him that prove he will be one to rise up and make a difference in his home, community and generation. He is one of the leaders in our Transition Program helping teach and oversea the silk screening business, and demonstrating a great deal of knowledge of business in our classes. We are so encouraged each time he raised his hand in class to share his thoughts and ideas for his future businesses.  We know he is more than capable of running all the businesses that he dreams of one day and we are praying over his steps in getting there.

Click here to sponsor him half month or whole month:

If you would like to sponsor him in a different amount, follow this link to the main donation page, then specify your contribution is for Junior's school fund:
In category, please click "other". 

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